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Vietnam Veteran Colonel Ronald Rabin, NC Senator , named VFAF Ambassador

2-6-24 Col Ronald Rabin , NC Senator , endorses Trump for 47 and joins VFAF Veterans for Trump as ambassador.

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Noelle Kahaian of Georgia named VFAF Ambassador

2-6-24 Noelle Kahaian is the President and Co-Founder of Protect Student Health Georgia, a statewide coalition of concerned parents and citizens formed to protect the health and innocence of children in school. Additionally, she is a Paralegal for the Child & Parental Rights Campaign, a nonprofit public-interest law firm founded to defend parent’s rights to […]

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Op-Ed by Chad Caton: Crisis at the Border – Unveiling the True Scale of Unchecked Immigration – Published.

2-6-24 Editor’s Note:  What follows is an op-ed piece submitted to us by US Navy veteran and Ops Director for Veterans For America First, Chad Caton. It is presented here unedited. The views expressed in this piece are his own. We thank Chad for his contribution. — GDM Link to published Op-Ed : OR […]

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Endorsement of Lieutenant Colonel Patty Hamilton for Ohio’s 12th District

2-5-24 “Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton is an American Hero who will fight for Ohio. The Lt.Col Hamilton has endorsed Donald Trump for 47 and she will fight for the America First platform as a state rep , she has our full endorsement and support” said Stan Fitzgerald VFAF national grassroots president. From Hamilton for Ohio : […]

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Joe Diamond with 77 WABC’s COP TALK show named VFAF Ambassador

2-4-24 Joe Diamond of 77 WABC’s COP TALK named VFAF Ambassador to expand police representation through VFAF. Diamond is also a journalist recently published in NewsMax. Joe Diamond believes that it is vital to forge the closest possible ties between first responders, veterans and the great grassroots patriotic movement that President Trump has launched to […]

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VFAF’s Capt. Robert Cornicelli spoke at the SC Berkeley County GOP on behalf of the Trump Campaign.

2-3-24 VFAF Veterans for Trump SC State Chapter VP, and SC Trump Campaign Veterans coalition leadership team, Capt. Robert Cornicelli was out stumping for Trump today and signing up vets for the Team Trump @TeamTrump forthcoming list (vets contact us to sign up) . Robert addressed the packed house at the the Berkeley County GOP […]

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Endorsement of Hung Cao for VA US Senate

2-2-24 “I have gotten to personally know Hung Cao over the last few years and spent time with him in Mar-A-Lago. Cao is a highly decorated American Hero who will fight for America First policy to save this country from the radical left. Hung Cao has endorsed Donald Trump for 47 and he has our […]

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Andrew Wilkow announces : It was an honor to be named Hero of the Month by VFAF

2-2-23 Andrew Wilkow announced : It was an honor to be named Hero of the Month by VFAF Veterans for Trump on The Wilkow Majority. The radio show is one of the most popular nationally syndicated shows. Listen :

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TAKE BACK TEXAS – VFAF Endorsements of David Covey , Wes Virdell and John Perez for State House

2-2-24 VFAF is announcing the Texas endorsements of : David Covey for Texas House HD-21 Wes Virdell ,a veteran, For Texas House HD-53 John Perez for Texas HD-133 Texas State Chapter Operations Director Tom Slocum vetted and recommended the candidates to the VFAF board who voted to endorse. Slocum joined VFAF grassroots president Stan Fitzgerald […]

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VFAF joins Team Trump with SC Press Conferences

2-1-24 As the SC Trump campaign kicks into high gear prepping for multiple Trump visits later this month , the SC Trump campaign Veterans for Trump coalition joined the campaign and Team Trump in multiple press conferences across the state. VFAF National Operations Director Chad Caton joined Jason Miller from Team Trump and multiple elected […]

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VFAF’s Chad Caton appears on Wilkow radio and television as national media blitz launches

1-31-24 VFAF launches its’s 90 day media blitz stumping for Trump with national operations director Chad Caton. Caton has been authorized to speak on behalf of the SC Trump Campaign and will be hitting the shows stumping for Trump , VFAF and VFAF documentaries that support Donald J Trump for 47. PRESS : Caton […]

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VFAF Veterans for Trump sends bus to Texas border with convoy.

1-30-24 VFAF Veterans for Trump sends bus to Texas border with convoy. VFAF Founder and current VFAF Chaplain Corps President Josh Macias with Veterans bus owner ,and VFAF Ambassador Craig Hudgins , have led a caravan featured in the Daily Mail and other publications to the Texas Border- The team has interviewed with NewsBreak and […]

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GA State Freedom Caucus President Mallory Staples is an Ambassador with VFAF. The caucus publishes a newsletter “Under The Dome”

1-30-24 GA State Freedom Caucus President Mallory Staples is also an Ambassador with VFAF Veterans for Trump. The caucus publishes a newsletter “Under The Dome” which you can sign up for through This weeks newsletter is Under the Dome | “How Did We Get Here?” | Vol. 38 Recalibrate. President Ronald Reagan said, “The […]

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VFAF Statement on Three U.S. Service Members Killed, Others Injured in Jordan

** For Immediate Release** RE: VFAF Statement 3 U.S. Service Members Killed, Others Injured in Jordan 1-30-24 Veterans for America First/Veterans for Trump are saddened by the recent loss of three of our brave and courageous brothers and sisters in uniform. The three US soldiers, Sgt. William Rivers, 46, of Carrollton, Georgia; Specialist Kennedy Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Georgia; and Specialist […]

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NC VFAF State Chapter VP Roger Farina’s letter published by Gateway Pundit

1-29-24 VFAF Veterans for Trump Ambassador and NC VFAF State Chapter VP Roger Farina’s letter published by Gateway Pundit. Farina in his elected position as NC-13 GOP district chair calls for Vote of no confidence in Ronna McDaniel LINK:

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