Illegals and Licenses... What is the True Intention of the Left an editorial by VFAF President CPT Robert Cornicelli

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  • 09/30/2024
Illegals and Licenses... What is the True Intention of the Left

The idea of granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens is a concept that many Americans find troubling and absurd. At its core, illegal aliens have invaded the United States; a clear violation of the law. They have broken U.S. immigration laws, and many argue that rewarding this behavior with legal driving privileges undermines the nation’s legal framework. Driving in the United States is a privilege, not a right, and extending this privilege to individuals who have broken immigration laws sends the wrong message about accountability and rule of law.

The Democratic Party's support for granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens has led to concerns about the potential for illegal voting. In several states, the process of obtaining a driver’s license is closely tied to voter registration, particularly with automatic voter registration laws in place. Opponents argue that issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens could open the door for them to illegally vote, even if unintentionally. By blurring the lines between legal residents and those who are in the country illegally, this policy creates a potential loophole for electoral fraud, jeopardizing the integrity of the democratic process.

Globalist Elites and Radical Left Democrat advocates for this policy often argue that granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens improves road safety and gives law enforcement better oversight of those living in the shadows. They claim that by allowing illegal aliens to be licensed, tested, and insured, everyone on the roads will be safer. They also argue that it provides an opportunity to maintain better awareness of where these individuals are. However, most honest, hard-working Americans believe that this is just a smokescreen for a more devious agenda.

At the heart of this debate is what some describe as the "Great Replacement," a belief that Globalist Elites are intentionally altering the demographics of the United States to erode the influence of native-born citizens and shift the balance of political power. By increasing the number of illegal aliens, particularly those who may be more likely to support a specific political party, Globalist Elites believe they can take complete control of US legislative bodies to ensure they enact policies that undermine national sovereignty and traditional American values. Granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens is seen as part of this broader strategy to encourage demographic change and secure long-term political dominance.

It is my belief that granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens is viewed by most Americans as not only absurd but also dangerous. It rewards illegal behavior, threatens the integrity of elections, and serves as a vehicle for advancing a larger Globalist/Marxist agenda that could permanently alter the fabric of American society.

CPT Robert M. Cornicelli US Army (Ret)/Navy Veteran
President, VFAF/Veterans for Trump

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