Here, you will find the latest updates and breaking news related to our organization, Veterans for America First (VFAF), and our mission to elect Donald J. Trump as the President of America in 2024. We provide up-to-date information on our mobilization efforts, our outreach programs, and other initiatives aimed at supporting the America First agenda.
3-24-25 Dr. Jerome Corsi returns on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-21-25 Heidi Boyanton for Mayor of Diamondhead Mississippi on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-21-25 Major Gerald Malloy Vermont appears on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-20-25 Mike Daugherty author Devil Inside the Beltway on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-20-25 Michael Alfaro appears on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-20-25 Major General Paul Vallely MVA on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-20-25 Veteran Beverly Peyton accepts the VFAF endorsement for Bartow County GA GOP Chair
3-18-25 Bernadette Lake Attacked for the Hat - Colorado Veteran fighting Cancer appears on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-18-25 Thom Kaz Entertainer appeared on Real News with Lucretia Hughe
3-16-25 VFAF's Lucretia Hughes was the featured guest on The Raising Cain Show with Nate Cain and the Patriots Prayer Network.
3-15-25 Ed Vidal Miami Journalist appeared on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-14-25 VFAF's Brigadier General Chris "Mookie" Walker appeared on Blaze TV
3-14-25 Heidi Ulu-Lani Boyanton accepts VFAF endorsement for Mayor of Diamondhead Mississippi
3-14-25 Cooper Jacks VFAF endorsed for GA Walker GOP on Real News with Lucretia Hughes
3-14-25 Salleigh Grubbs VFAF endorsed for GA GOP 1st Vice Chair appeared on Real News with Lucretia Hughes