VFAF endorsement of Mike Allers Jr. for West Virginia delegate

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  • Source: vfaf.us
  • 05/23/2024




“Mike Allers is the MAGA Candidate running against the establishment” said Stan Fitzgerald

Mike Allers Jr.  is the son of a Policeman turned Educator and a Special Needs Teacher.  He was born into a family of service.  He wanted to follow his family in making a difference in the community.  He worked his way through College-working in the food industry, on political campaigns , and the world of Banking, refusing to take student loans or a dime from anyone.  

Mike went into a career of service as a teacher-where he saw first hand the struggles of our kids and parents.  Mike as a teacher made sure students had the right tools to succeed in class.  He proudly pushed back against woke ideology in curricula pushed by activist Central Offices. Mike always made students feel like they can achieve anything-regardless of skin color or background- fighting back against CRT directly.  But Mike knew that he had to go beyond the classroom to do more- getting involved in Republican politics to help elect strong Conservatives across several states, serving candidates as an education advisor, as well as in the field of Communications and Media relations. 

In 2022,  Mike became the first Conservative Columnist for the Spirit of Jefferson newspaper, in Charles Town,WV-the town Mike and his wife have settled in to raise his son, to make sure that he is surrounded by real American, small town values.  In his column, A Conservative’s Take, Mike defended President Trump and America First values, passionately advocated for protecting the unborn and creating a culture of Life,  proposed real solutions to fixing our broken education system, and argued for real tax relief for West Virginians.   Mike continued to be frustrated by the inaction from Charleston and inside the Eastern Panhandle. It is one thing to keep writing about these issues, and scream from the page – and it’s another to actually do something. That is why Mike is running for the House of Delegates in the 99th district and for the Republican nomination. 

 Mike is excited to fight for the people of the 99th district in a way they haven’t seen- a bold new approach of new ideas, actually standing up to RINOs in Charleston, and protecting our kids at all costs! 

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