Demetrius Burns (D.B) Fugate was born on April 14th 1980 in Louisville, Kentucky. Spend time also in Atlanta, Georgia and Tampa Florida growing up. He attended undergrad at the University of Cincinnati majoring in Business Administration. Also, DB acquired graduate courses at Harvard University and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
After college, DB went on to have a successful professional basketball career spanning 12 years. He retired for basketball in 2016. In 2017 at the age of 37, DB enlisted in the United States Air Force. While in the Air Force, he worked in Aerospace Technology and Special Operations. In 2020, DB ran for US Congress in the 23rd District-FL and declared candidacy in 2024. He will continue to serve the United States and fight for the wonderful people of this nation.
DB is a Christian. He will always stand for our beautiful flag and only kneel before God.