VFAF State Chapters Mission and Endorsement Protocols

  • by:
  • Source: vfaf.us
  • 08/02/2024
VFAF is currently building state chapters to better organize boots on the ground working to implement the America First agenda at the local level.

State chapter mission:

Presidents of state chapters are preferred to be a Veteran, or Law Enforcement, however not mandated. If the president is not a Vet or LE we mandate the Vice President be a veteran.

In general, build a network, create high visibility for VFAF, support presidential campaigns, support America First candidates by making endorsements and engage the public. Our goals are political influence to help America First candidates take office. The expectation is our America First candidates take office and implement the America First agenda which in turn also supports our veterans and law enforcement officers.

Construct a website following established examples. (Website can be delayed if resources are not immediately available)

Research and make endorsements of America First candidates for state, county, and municipal offices.  Endorsements of congressional candidates, or highest state offices such as Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State require approval from VFAF national leadership. All other endorsements can be made at the state chapter president’s decision.

Primary cycle endorsements require a video zoom interview for public scrutiny. The video needs to be uploaded to Youtube or Zoom so we have a usable link for social media, press and website announcements. If issues uploading to a usable link the video can be sent to a national officer for upload to the VFAF Youtube channel.

General election endorsements still require a video with an interview preferred. For busy high profile candidates this however can be shortened to the president (or his team member) standing with the candidate announcing the endorsement or the candidate doing a short clip thanking VFAF.  Videos are attached to press and social as a matter of protocol.

We NEVER endorse against President Trump's existing endorsements and we as a matter of protocol support Trump endorsed candidates.

Maintain Twitter and Facebook accounts as a primary news source. All endorsements should be announced on Facebook and Twitter with VFAF national tagged so national can re-share. Existing accounts are fine but suggested to add Veterans for America First in the about information. Posts relative to VFAF operations should be signed with full name and organizational title spelled out / not abbreviated. (This helps with SEO results)

Presidents can research and suggest National Ambassadors to be appointed to assist in building the state infrastructure working to implement the America First agenda.

Engage the public at events, offer to speak at events or create your own events. Document the participation in the event with photographs, if speaking have it video recorded for our VFAF use. Make social media posts of the VFAF event activity. Suggested to participate in get out the vote events, educational efforts, veterans and LE affairs, charitable events etc and document the activity for public and national VFAF review on social media.
Make occasional press releases (yournews.com is a free service)  

VFAF national produces educational films, state chapters can find a GOP or other organization that would show the films at no cost for the venue and invite the public or members. The state chapter president can speak on behalf of the organization at the screening.  Document the screening by providing VFAF national promotional material , crowd photos and engagement optics.

Fundraising is not mandated. Using the VFAF brand to fundraise in anyway would require a formal agreement through VFAF legal.

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