The Alarming Reality of a Third Assassination Attempt on President Donald J Trump an editorial by CPT. Robert Cornicelli

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  • 10/14/2024
The Alarming Reality of a Third Assassination Attempt on President Donald J Trump
The recent arrest of an armed individual near President Donald Trump’s rally in Coachella Valley has raised serious concerns about the safety of President Trump and the increasingly polarized state of American politics. The suspect, Vem Miller, was detained after attempting to pass through a checkpoint with fake VIP and Press passes while carrying unregistered weapons, including a loaded shotgun, handgun, and a high-capacity magazine. According to the Riverside County Sheriff's Office, this incident could represent the third assassination attempt against Trump. Such events are deeply alarming and highlight the dangerous consequences of the Left’s escalation of violent political rhetoric.
This latest incident shines a spotlight on the violent and divisive language that has been prevalent across different parts of the political spectrum. Figures like Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters, along with tv, music, and film “Personalities” like Robert De Niro, Mark Ruffalo, and Chelsea Handler, have all engaged in dangerous rhetoric that depicts President Trump and his supporters as “an extreme threat to our democracy.” Pundits such as Michael Steele, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow and along with programs like "The View" and segments of the Mainstream Media (MSM), have contributed to this charged environment, often using provocative and inflammatory language that fuels hate, division, and violence. This kind of rhetoric is problematic not only because it deepens national divides but also because it reflects a fundamental misunderstanding: we do not live in a Democracy, fundamentally a “Mob Rule” society; we live in a Constitutional Republic. Those who use such language are misleading the public and stoking fear by suggesting a threat to a political system that does not exist especially in the way they describe it.
In a Constitutional Republic, the rule of law, checks and balances, and an individual’s Constitutional rights are protected. Yet, the way many Radical Left politicians and MSM outlets present their arguments suggests a dangerous oversimplification, framing President Trump and JD Vance as enemies of “Democracy” itself. This portrayal can dehumanize and demonize those on the Right, making violent actions seem justifiable to Radical Left Globalists, Marxists and Socialists as well as violent extreme hate groups such as ANTIFA and BLM here in the US. The possibility of a third assassination attempt against President Trump emphasizes the urgent need for responsible discussion and strong security measures at Trump/Vance events. While Law Enforcement acted swiftly to prevent a potential assassination, the fact that an armed individual was able to get so close to President Trump should serve as ANOTHER wake-up call to Kamala Harris’ DHS and DOJ. In this incident, the presence of fake VIP and Press passes suggests long range planning, requiring a thorough investigation to uncover any potential larger plot.
Furthermore, there is no doubt that the political Left will seize the opportunity to renew their calls for stricter gun control. Figures like Kamala Harris and others will likely argue that this arrest underscores the need for tighter regulations on firearms, focusing on how unregistered and potentially illegal weapons could have led to a potentially tragic outcome. Meanwhile, the political Right will emphasize the importance of addressing mental health issues, pointing out that violence of this nature often stems from deeper, unaddressed mental health concerns.
The reality is that Kamala Harris, the political Left and the MSM will not be satisfied until their unsafe, dangerous rhetoric results in a more severe outcome. Kamala Harris and the Radicals in her Party, continuously engaging in inflammatory, hostile, and violent language, are playing a dangerous game. This kind of rhetoric from those on the Left risks normalizing violence, potentially leading to tragic consequences. It is vital that Democrat leaders, MSM, and tv, music, and film “Personalities” understand their responsibility in shaping public opinion, attitude and reaction. Whether intentional or not, their words can incite actions that threaten the safety of all individuals on the Right and the health of the nation’s “Representative” processes.
The alleged assassination attempt on President Donald J Trump should serve as an urgent warning about the consequences of the Left’s violent, hate filled, divisive rhetoric. Political extremism and violent discourse have no place in a Constitutional Republic, and it is the responsibility of everyone, especially Kamala Harris, politicians on the Left, tv, music, and film “Personalities” and the MSM, to foster a climate where political discussion remains healthy and respectful. America must strive to create an environment where disagreements are settled through “representative” means, not threats and violence. Until the rhetoric changes, the risk of tragedy will continue to threaten those on the Right, and no one should be comfortable with that possibility.

VFAF President CPT. Robert Cornicelli 

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