STOLEN VALOR: Angie Wong a Republican Committeewoman for Miami District 17, and Butch Conz of North Carolina are impersonating the VFAF national leadership which includes highly decorated combat veterans and officers.

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  • 10/09/2024
Angie Wong and Butch Conz are impersonating our national Veterans for America First VFAF.US / X handle @VFAFWarroom.

Wong and Conz are also impersonating the Georgia state chapter as well as operating an unauthorized cloned website of the North Carolina state chapter.

Sign the national petition to remove Angie Wong from office on Change.Org :

It is important to clarify that VFAF is not accusing Wong or Conz of any criminal activity. Instead we are pointing out their actions of Stolen Valor—claiming to represent our original 2015 VFAF organization, VFAF.US, without any legitimate affiliation nor military service. The duo are issuing unauthorized endorsements which are intentionally made to impersonate our official graphics and elevating themselves as Veterans and Presidents of a national Veterans group which they have no affiliation with. 

Wong during her run for the GOP seat declared herself President of Georgia Veterans for America First and added it to her resume , a title she now scrubbed from her social media but still actively uses a twitter account to reshare her own false narratives in the name of Georgia Veterans for America First. 

Wong and Conz named Reagan Box , (a grassroots candidate for senate 2026 cycle) VP of the Georgia State Chapter and endorsed her not yet official campaign. Box after researching who these people actually are removed herself from affiliation with the two non veterans. In response Conz issued graphics crossing out the candidates face and making childish public statements about her. 

Wong and Conz have issued an endorsement of Ed Durr, a former NJ state senator, who apparently will be a grassroots candidate for governer in New Jersery 2026 cycle. The not yet official campaign of Ed Durr for NJ Governor is not endorsed by Veterans for America First that is an unauthorized endorsement made by the two non veterans.

Durr endorsed Wong in her campaign for the GOP seat. Sources have informed "The Vet Voice" journalist team that Durr has a fundraising agreement with Angie Wong. If this is accurate, it raises ethical concerns about why he would accept an endorsement from an organization registered as an LLC in North Carolina, especially for a grassroots campaign for New Jersey governor that is allegedly connected to his fundraising arrangement with Wong.

 It is important to clarify that VFAF is not accusing Ed Durr of any criminal activity we are only questioning his ethics. 

Durr has reshared defamatory statements on his personal X account that Wong has made, affecting ongoing civil litigation. The reshare Durr made will become an exhibit in the civil proceedings with possible depositions of the former state senator.  

Wong and Conz argue in their defense of these aforementioned facts that they filed as an LLC with the Secretaries of State in various states. That legal requirement of filing with the SOS has nothing to do with the validity of their claims to be the "real" authorized VFAF , which is false. 

VFAF maintains that Wong and Conz are misrepresenting themselves as an authorized arm of the original, and current national group, despite neither of them being veterans. The duo continues to claim they are the "real" VFAF, while using their platforms to troll the authentic group and spread misinformation in support of Angie Wong. Wong and Conz use their platforms , both personal and alias accounts, to bully former VFAF team members , random X users , and Conz's deplorable treatment of women is revealed in text threads now public (see below) 

Butch Conz has felony arrests according to press 

Wong has an extensive history , public record , of filing frivolous litigations as well as being sued for stealing a neighbors pet dog. Wong has been accused of altering and fabricating evidence in court proceedings. Shocking details in affidavits reveal her own mother and sister stating that she missapropriated funds and impersonated her mother to remove funds from a bank account.

Furthermore, relative to the Wong and Conz stolen valor , the duo have been defaming this organization for 18 months based on a contract that L-Strategies consulting firm held with Steve Bannon's associates the NFSC.  That contract according to Wong was written by former VFAF President Stan Fitzgerald , and executed by VFAF VP attorney Jared Craig which is false.  Wong herself wrote the contract and submitted it to attorney Craig in April of 2023 where she was found to have diverted funds for her personal use and will face counter claims in ongoing Florida litigation. 

Audio Recording Exposes Angie Wong, Republican Committeewoman for Miami District 17, as Writer of NFSC Contract

A recently surfaced audio recording reveals that Angie Wong, Republican Committeewoman for District 17, was the author of the NFSC contract for L-Strategies, a firm she was associated with and terminated from in April 2023. During this time since April 2023, Wong has publicly accused Stan Fitzgerald of writing the contract and diverting funds along with other unfounded accusations to deflect of her own actions.

In the audio, Joshua Delano of Delanoye Strategies LLC, Wong's own media booker, explains that Wong initiated the contract with the New Federal State of China (NFSC) and diverted funds to him to cover her personal media appearances as a "pay-to-play" commentator. At the end of the recording Delano is asked "So she marked it up $2K" and Delano replies "Yes for her".  This recorded statement , the contracts and texts in attorney Jared Craig's possession exonerate Stan Fitzgerald from Wong's 18 months of misinformation and false allegations all of which are traced to this contract.

When asked for a quote as to why wait 18 months to release the audio Fitzgerald replied " I am unsure who released it now, but its always been available in the filed litigation and that's why Wong desperately engages in Alinsky tactics. She loses on the facts so she fabricates a false narrative. Fake news as Trump calls it" said Fitzgerald.

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A recently published third-party article confirms, through court records, that L-Strategies LLC has officially terminated the contract with NFSC, which Wong had procured for the firm. Wong, who is now a GOP delegate and Republican Committeewoman for District 17 in Florida, brokered the deal with the Steve Bannon-aligned consulting firm in April 2023.

Wong arranged the contract to secure media buys with Real America's Voice and other conservative networks through L-Strategies, a firm she co-founded. According to Delano, Wong also facilitated the diversion of funds from the NFSC contract to his firm to support her own appearances as a commentator on these networks.

In response to the article, Wong "defended" herself on her verified Twitter account, claiming she was the target of hateful and racist accusations. However, the article in question does not accuse Wong of any illegal wrongdoing. Instead, it presents the facts surrounding the contract, which Wong has repeatedly misrepresented in public statements. Contrary to Wong's claims, the article contains no hateful or racist language, leading many to believe she fabricated this narrative for social media purposes.

Also note Angie Wong has been attempting to create a pseudo scandal relating to the NFSC claiming they are funded by the CCP. Wong is inferring anyone doing business with the NFSC would be doing something nerfarious. 

Her unfounded attempt at tying the NFSC to the CCP includes accusations not just against Stan Fitzgerald and Jared Craig but Steven Bannon , John Fredericks, Karoline Leavitt, Gavin Wax, Laura Loomer , Cait Corrigan , and others. Wong's attempt at creating this false narrative would explain why she publicly defended herself from "accusations" that amount to doing nothing nefarious (not accusations of anything but illustrations of proven factual events as they occured). When one creates an alternate reality sometimes its hard to juggle both worlds and maintain plausible statements. 


Wong's own response to the article, however, includes defamatory and demonstrably false statements against Fitzgerald adding to the ongoing history of her fake news.

Recently, Mother Jones, a left-leaning publication, covered the contractual story related to the Angie Wong deal.

Dan Freedman, a reporter for Mother Jones, communicated with Stan Fitzgerald through a legally recorded call and written texts regarding the NFSC story. During this time, Angie Wong attempted to provide Freedman with false information, suggesting that John Fredericks, Stan Fitzgerald, and others were involved in nefarious activities. However, when the story was published, L-Strategies was merely mentioned in passing, and it was not a targeted hit piece on Fitzgerald, who had resigned from the firm in April 2024.

Interestingly, Freedman, in writing, refused to cover Angie Wong's role in the contract, likely because she was a key source for the article.

Angie Wong is a former Clinton staffer see:

As any narcissist does , Wong gives herself too much credit. Wong is not influential enough for anyone to care what she says or create such a large scale lie in fake news against the Steve Bannon aligned freedom fighters , grassroots leaders and people who work for the president.

That noted It is still essential for VFAF to prevent Wong from impersonating our organization, issuing unauthorized endorsements, and misreprenting information about our current and former team members. Like President Trump , the rhetoric of Wong and Conz is dangerous to our team. See:

We are calling out both Wong and Butch Conz on this matter.

The community of our 18 million veterans nationwide should distance themselves from Angie Wong @Angiewong and Butch Conz @TheButchConz.

Butch Conz , Angie Wong's partner, threatens random X user on his platform as they impersonate veterans. 

Butch Conz, Angie Wong's partner , makes racist statements as they impersonate veterans.

Butch Conz, Angie Wong's partner, bullying women and making homophobic statements as they impersonate veterans.

Butch Conz, Angie Wong's partner, Bullying Women and making homophobic statements as they impersonate veterans. 

Butch Conz , Angie Wong's partner , making misogynist statements, watching porn, while they impersonate veterans. 

Butch Conz , Angie Wong's partner, trying to embarrass female grassroots candidate. 

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