
Jeff Hoffmann interviews Robert Wilke Former Secretary of Veteran Affairs for the Trump Administration

Jeff Hoffmann interviews Robert Wilke Former Secretary of Veteran Affairs for the Trump Administration

9-11 VFAF 23rd anniversary tribute reel by Veterans for America First

9-11 VFAF 23rd anniversary tribute reel by Veterans for America First

VFAF's Berney Flowers " Why Should Blacks Support Kamala Harris" with Eugene Boikai

VFAF's Berney Flowers " Why Should Blacks Support Kamala Harris" with Eugene Bokai

Sam Anthony editor and founder of YourNews discusses the Mainstream Media's impact on elections with VFAF's Jared Craig

Sam Anthony editor and founder of YourNews discusses the Mainstream Media's impact on elections with Jared Craig VFAF Vice President

Peace And Prosperity or War and Pestilence? You Decide! with VFAF's Lt. Col. Berney Flowers

VFAF PODCAST with Lt. Col. Berney Flowers VFAF National Political Director " Peace And Prosperity or War and Pestilence? You Decide!

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