Read the bill here:
Senate Bill 268 By: Senators Robertson of the 29th, Gooch of the 51st, Albers of the 56th, Bearden of the 30th and Payne of the 54th
A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Article 2 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, 1 relating to offenses against public order, so as to provide for the crime of interference with 2 a first responder; to provide for penalties; to provide for definitions; to provide for related 3 matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: 5 SECTION 1. 6 Article 2 of Chapter 11 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to 7 offenses against public order, is amended by adding a new Code section to read as follows: 8 "16-11-46. 9 (a) As used in this Code section, the term: 10 (1) 'First responder' means any person or agency who provides on-site care until the 11 arrival of a duly licensed ambulance service. This shall include, but not be limited to, 12 persons who routinely respond to calls for assistance through an affiliation with law 13 enforcement agencies, fire suppression agencies, rescue agencies, and others. 14 S. B. 268- 1 25 LC 56 0346
(2) 'Harass' means to willfully engage in any conduct directed at a first responder which 15 intentionally causes substantial emotional distress in that first responder and serves no 16 legitimate purpose. 17 (b) A person commits the offense of interference with a first responder when he or she, 18 after receiving a verbal warning not to approach from a person he or she knows or 19 reasonably should know is a first responder, who is engaged in the lawful performance of 20 a legal duty, knowingly and willfully violates such warning and approaches or remains 21 within 25 feet of the first responder with the intent to: 22 (1) Impede or interfere with the first responder's ability to perform such duty; 23 (2) Threaten the first responder with physical harm; or 24 (3) Harass the first responder. 25 (c) A person convicted pursuant to this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of 26 a high and aggravated nature." 27
SECTION 2. 28 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed
Watch the testimony:
Senator Randy Robertson, is currently serving in his third term in the Georgia Senate where he serves on multiple committees including Public Safety and has served and chaired several Senate and Joint Study Committees related to Homelessness in Georgia, Electric Vehicle expansion and Regulation in Georgia, Georgia Felons Rights Post-Conviction and Issues Related to Foster Care and Adoption in Georgia .
Senator Randy Robertson Senate District 29 Senator Robertson is also a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Committee on State and Local Government, Ethics, Committee on Families and Children, Rules Committee, and the Committee on Insurance and Labor. Senator Robertson serves as the Upper Chamber’s Majority Whip, which is the fourth highest ranking member of Senate leadership behind the President Pro-Tem, Majority Leader and Lieutenant Governor.
Prior to being elected to the Georgia State Senate, Senator Robertson served with the Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office for 30-years from where he retired as a Bureau Commander at the rank of Major in 2015. Senator Robertson’s advanced law enforcement education and training is a result of the Harris County public school system, Columbus State University, The Cooper Institute - Dallas Texas, Harvard University - School of Public Health, The Force Science Institute in Mankato Minnesota and the FBI National Academy, Quantico Virginia. Senator Robertson also served as the Director of Homeland Security for the city of Columbus during the administration of Mayor Jim Wetherington. Senator Robertson is the Past President of the Georgia Fraternal Order of Police.
He is married to Theresa Garcia Robertson and the father of Sara, Seth, and Andee Robertson and he is the proud grandfather of 4 amazing little girls.