Danny Hamilton of Georgia Named Veterans For Trump Ambassador

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  • Source: vfaf.us
  • 05/23/2024




Danny Hamilton of Georgia has been named a Veterans for Trump Ambassador.  Affectionally called “Trump Bus Danny” by his peers in Georgia, Hamilton has been a pundit for President Trump since June 2015.  About one week after Donald J Trump came down the escalator in 2015 Hamilton reached out to Kellyanne Conway for permission to wrap his first Trump bus.  After dealing with Conway, Steve Bannon and Brandon Phillips the bus was wrapped with approval from the campaign and Danny Hamilton has since hit over 40 Rallies and used over one million dollars of his own money to travel the country for his support of President Trump.  Hamilton has also used his Buses for Herschel Walker and Real America’s voice.  

In March 2023 Hamilton rolled his current Trump bus into a Georgia Ron Desantis at the request of Veterans for Trump.  The bus made an impact taking the energy out of the Desantis event and focusing it on the former president. https://veteransforamericafirst.org/trump-bus-rolls-into-georgia-ron-desantis-event-overshadowing-tiny-desantis-box-truck-at-veterans-for-trump-lead-mini-rally/

Recently Hamilton , working with Veterans for Trump president Stan Fitzgerald , rolled the bus into Mississippi to support VFAF endorsed candidate Chris McDaniel for Lt. Governor. Mcdaniel’s opponent Delbert Hosemann is known as “Delbert the Democrat” by the conservatives in Mississippi.  Hosemann as MS secretary of state in 2017 said to the Trump administrations voter ID request: ‘Go jump in the Gulf’ when asked to help with election integrity matters.  Recently Hosemann appointed 13 of the 16 Democrats in the senate to important chairmanships even with a Republican super majority. https://veteransfortrump.us/veterans-for-trump-roll-the-trump-bus-to-mississippi-in-support-of-senator-chris-mcdaniel-for-lieutenant-governor/

“ We cannot allow establishment candidates like Hosemann to get away with pretending to be conservative just because it’s a new election cycle , Chris McDaniel is the true America First Patriot. Danny Hamilton has risen to the occasion more than most to help Save America and support not just President Trump but America First candidates like Chris McDaniel. I am honored to have him as a friend and announce his joining our team as an Ambassador” said Stan Fitzgerald VFAF President.

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