AP: Bill Simon Political Vine based in Cartersville Georgia used Koran verses about taqiyya (deception) against Muslim VFAF candidate Sophia Farooq

VFAF laid out the evidence previously at : https://vfaf.us/vfaf-national-strongly-condemns-the-faith-based-attacks-on-our-endorsed-candidate-sophia-farooq-in-cobb-county-georgia

Veterans for America First condemns a faith-based smear campaign against Muslim Candidate Sophia Farooq in Cobb County Georgia as Integrity Matters

PRESS LINK: https://world.einnews.com/pr_news/usgeorgia/795353800/veterans-for-america-first-condemns-smear-campaign-against-muslim-sophia-farooq-in-cobb-county-ga-integrity-matters

Veterans for America First condemns smear campaigns based on Race, Religion or Sexual Preference.
There is no place in America or MAGA for these types of attacks. In Georgia Sophia Farooq, a Muslim, has been endorsed by our Veteran Team.

Georgia residents have orchestrated faith based attacks coming out in what claim to be newsletters from news@politicalvine.com which clearly references the Koran to use it against Sophia in her Campaign, integritymattersga@gmail.com to attack our organization because we endorsed her, there have been fake dossiers created marked "clean".
It's gotten to the point people are now no longer trying to hide the racism behind fake dossiers and saying they do not want a Muslim running Cobb County.

Our organization despises these tactics, our organization reaches millions with our press room, and we are using it to draw attention to this unacceptable behavior.

"Anonymous emails from Integrity Matters attacking Stan Fitzgerald for endorsing a Muslim candidate using year old news, to work against the VFAF endorsement, shows these people have no integrity. We condemn these hateful attacks based on faith and we stand with Sophia" said Attorney Jared Craig VFAF VP

When VFAF called out Bill Simon on his actions , THAT HE PUT IN WRITING, of emailing people to imply the Muslim candidate was deceitful based on her faith he then attacked our team at VFAF.  When people bury themsleves with their own written words the only thing they can do is attack others, that is called deflection. Stan Fitzgerald and Jared Craig's integrity are not in question, Simon just wants to distract you from his own actions that lack moral compass. This is what people do who cant win on facts, they deflect and lie. Stan Fitzgerald is the victim of political lawfare because people lied, he has been totally transparant about his life and finanicals, he is a benefactor to politics not a beneficiary.

There is an ongoing criminal investigation in Virginia into Patrick Collis who supplied a false affidavit, and false testimony, that was used in lawfare against Fitzgerald that tainted the outcome of the proceeding.

The case number from Virginia Criminal Justice is Case #2024-1001 the agents name is Sandi Kurek. Also relative is Atlanta FBI Agent Casey Weaver came to the Cobb County Sheriff's office and interviewed Sheriff's Officer Frederic Mulika the Georgia State Chapter Operations director.

Patrick Collis will be held accountable, its just a matter of time now as will anyone else who may have been involved in the conspiracy against Fitzgerald.

To be clear about financials, Stan Fitzgerald is the guy who pays for this. There is no inflow of funds its all outflow. The allegations are based on paid press about L-Strategies. The L-Strategies bank records have been public throughout at https://lstrategies.org/articles

These people sending emails are going to find out in the near future they have been on the wrong side of this attacking VFAF.

Until then we will continue our mission ignoring these low class attacks and continue to promote great MAGA candidates like Sophia Farooq.