Angie Wong’s disinformation campaign targeting VFAF will be addressed in court through a forthcoming lawsuit.

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  • 05/23/2024


Angie Wong is the former VFAF Media rep. For those unfamiliar with who Angie Wong is and her history visit : where you can view 20+ webpages of data on Wong.

While Stan Fitzgerald was named president his role is that of an advisory board member. He has no legal tie , or responsibilities to the original non profit , myself and several others sit on the board. It’s public record.

Madam Wong in an attempt to deflect from her own current legal troubles keeps focusing on attacking Stan Fitzgerald and this organization.

RE: WRONGFUL CONVICTION : Wong is currently focused on the wrongful conviction of Stan Fitzgerald in FBI Operation Bullpen which started in 1999. Wong joined this veterans organization , legacy PAC and L-Strategies knowing full well Fitzgerald was wrongfully convicted she texted and emailed about it , its in written proof she knew of the details. She also spoke with numerous persons about it at the time. Now when she needs to create a defense to her alleged embezzlement and defamation 1.4 million complaint , she pretends she did not know what has always been public record and on his website. It could not be much more high profile than his announcement of producing a film relative to the government abuse where he speaks about operation bullpen in the press releases, clearly never hid it. What Stan Fitzgerald was accused of in 1999 is not a defense to what will be multiple litigation’s relative to Wong’s current activities.

RE WEBSITE CHANGE: Most recently Wong posted on her twitter feed that that our website was changed (sharing the post of Elyse a suspended NY former liberal attorney) . That is correct it changed, Wong was involved in the planned transition to dissolve the non profit , I personally ran a press release on that in January of this year and spoke to Angie Wong about it. See : Wong is trying to create a pseudo scandal saying we changed our website for some nefarious reason when she was involved back in January 2023 in this transition planning. I have a personal family extremely serious health issue that does not need to be public , and again Angie Wong knows this as well. I have been behind in accomplishing transitional plans and official filings so Wong is trying to exploit this delay, which she is well aware of, in some sick way to try to defend herself from accountability she must ultimately answer in court to. Instead of creating fake news ,and ducking process servers, Wong should accept service and make what ever defense she thinks she has to the court.

* Also stating what would be obvious to any trained journalist or investigator would be to actually read the VFAF website. Wong apparently missed the news section on the original where on 5-7-23 we stated we were transitioning to this website.

RE: Veterans for America First State Chapters: June 4th 2023 Wong thought the VFAF was a PAC , June 30th she sent the FEC a letter stating the chapters were nonprofits, now in August 2023, she gets it right, they are LLC’s ! but claims using a DBA is nefarious -she can’t seem to find the right false accusation to make.

The State Chapters are similar to a franchise agreement being Independently owned. There is nothing nefarious with a company having a DBA or joining together in a franchise type situation. There is also nothing illegal for a private company to accept donations or support for their work and written legal opinion was obtained before launching this concept which Wong was aware of.

Angie Wong took on the role of President to the Florida VFAF state chapter where she remained until removed on May 28th 2023. Prior to that she accepted partial ownership of the Florida State Chapter through a contractual agreement between L-Strategies and VFAF of which she was aware that if it were to monetize, she would benefit. Wong also attempted to sell a NY State Chapter when Fitzgerald was in discussions with a former NY female congressional candidate for the role. Wong stated that the former candidate was associated with a problematic group and stated she was meeting a NYCR member for dinner and would make the pitch to him for running the state chapter. Clearly Wong never believed there was anything illegal about state chapters.

July 17th 2023 Press on state chapters which also has the legal opinion attached as images 2 and 3. LINK :

Second Legal Opinion Gifting (donating) perfectly legal as long as disclaimer is clear that it is not deductible – Wongs own ongoing defamation shows the website disclaimer proving VFAF is operating within the law:

RE THE WORD “OFFICIAL” : Wong has called our organization “Fake”. As for the official Trump campaign coalition , its a matter of semantics. Angie Wong was invited to Mar-a-lago in November with our organization she knows damn well we at VFAF were invited as part of the grass roots coalition. So the Campaign Vets for Trump and the Grassroots Vets for Trump are both coalitions and both part of the campaign ….. officially. She is playing with the wording trying to make it yet another pseudo scandal. The President approves of our work , in fact he shared our endorsement on his platform . With our endorsement President Trump shared the article by Slay News stating we were part of the coalition , confirmed by 45 himself. President Trump called myself up on stage with him in Mar-A-Lago acknowledging that I am the co-founder of Veterans for Trump (see below for video) Recently when Trump was in Georgia he invited our president Stan Fitzgerald to see him where Brian Jack announced Fitzgerald as “Veterans for Trump” the President then acknowledged the great work our VFAF Veterans for Trump team is doing. Fitzgerald has had a point of contact with the comms team since November for the grassroots coalition.

Angie Wong has now tied in our VFAF organization into her ongoing defamation , she should expect to hear from VFAF attorney Jared Craig on this very soon. We suggest Angie Wong accept process service.

While she continues to avoid process service and continues to spread defamation and disinformation we will continue to cure our reputation.

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